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This is a 1 minute excerpt from the original 20 minute long video, which is the result of an immersion in different environments around the world by the photographer Elena Cruickshank Godoy, who provides another reading about the vital aspects in nature and the plurality of present realities. Simultaneously, Luis Robau Pérez, collaborates with her, creating a montage that accompanies these images and fuses all this vibrant experiences into one. Meanwhile, we can delight our ears with the musicians Seven Bien, Marta Sha, Seba Milonga and Phil Lee, which enables us to reflect with new readings and to modify of our system of values.

The images document various cultures and subcultures from human diversity; we will detect the differences between the ways of life, customs, values ​​of historical and artistic knowledge, etc. The change of these cultures is encouraged by the contact and influence between one another, which have resulted in globalization. On the other hand - despite the fact that it has always been present as a consequence of standardized, overorganized and opulent societies - the need to seek freedomn and approach our point of origin in nature and  to unify it with those antagonistic and subversive realities, has currently increased. Human beings have contributed to the development of civilizations, knowledge, philosophy, technology, economics, etc. throughout history, but, in turn, we have also deteriorated and transformed nature. The need to change our values ​​and dynamics is obvious, especially in the dominant and privileged social class, who have more resources; nevertheless, every small contribution to respect the environment can be decisive. In addition, the system and its policies are the main culprits for the inequality between classes and pollution. We seem to have forgotten that we depend on Mother Nature, from which we come and benefit. We have been altering and damaging nature continuously; the air, the water, the flora and the fauna, and, consequently, ourselves.

The title of the exhibition, "Pangea", which means "all the earth", is an allusion to the need for humans to understand that we come from the same planet and unite, to cooperate and solve the current deterioration of the environment, which affects our well-being and future.


Miriam Díaz

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